Hira Moni, Bonna in final of ISSF Int`l Archery


Female archers Hira Moni and Bonna moved to the final of the 1st Islamic Solidarity Sports Federation (ISSF) International Archery Championship now being held at Moulana Bhashani National Hockey Stadium.
In the recurve bow event held on Saturday, Hira Moni confirmed her final spot beating her compatriot Rabia Akter Shapla by 6-2 set while Bonna ensured her final berth eliminating her compatriot Sushmita in the last four battles.
On the other hand, in the day’s quarter-final, country’s famed woman archer Shamoly Roy, who represented Bangladesh in Rio Olympic as lone archer, made early exit from the championship race as she lost her Azerbaijan rival in the recurve event.
However, expectation was high from Shamoly, but she could not justice to his name.
Some hundred arches from fourteen countries will fight for nine gold medals in the four-day meet, organised by ISSF.
