Hippocrates Never Make Same Mistake Twice


Nazrul Islam :
Hippocrates (460BC-370 BC), also known as Hippocrates II, was a Greek physician and considered as the father of medicine. Hippocrates emphasized the personal relationship between the doctor and the patient, and on the basic principles of different diseases. The sentence about him that still inspires us is, ‘He did not make the same mistake twice.’
The history of medical science is as ancient as human civilization. But today, medical science is facing a great crisis; Corona Virus Disease is now the biggest panic in the world. The global death toll from COVID-19 has risen to 42,151 and the number of infected now stands at 8,58,785 (the number is changing every moment). After China, the Europe and USA are also facing huge disruptions from the deadly virus.
In Bangladesh, five people died from the virus so far, and the number of confirmed cases is 51. However, many feel that this is not the real picture. The exact number of infections can’t know as the testing rates are much lower in patients with COVID-19 symptoms. Many suffer from colds and coughs, and are unable to test samples. Therefore, they may remain as silent carriers and not as infected.
The worst panic was that the doctors at many hospitals were initially terrified by this virus. They wanted to avoid the patients with the symptoms of cold-cough and fever. Private hospitals were referring such kind of patients to the govt. hospitals; even though the situation is much better now. The physicians’ statement was that they have no dissent to provide treatment but they must have the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the use of PPE has become ubiquitous around the world. Earlier, the DGHS issued an instruction and states that there is a global deficit of PPE and in this situation, the contents should be used reasonably to ensure the safety of all concerned. After the coronavirus started spreading, PPE is now being produced locally. Mentionable, PPE needs to be made according to the WHO’s guidelines.
But sadly, when our doctors are in PPE crisis, many officials are using PPE, who do not even visit the patients. Regarding this, one of the directors of DGHS said, ‘Administrative officers, even I, do not need to use full set PPE. They need those who will provide direct care to the infected patients.’ Mentionable, without proper protective equipment, the doctor can spread the virus to many other patients.
Good news is that on 26 March, 10,000 testing kits and PPE including 1,000 infrared thermometers from China, and on 27 March, 30,000 detection kits, donated by Chinese billionaire Jack Ma, have arrived in Dhaka. On 28 March, the Square Group handed over 10,000 PPE and the Beximco Group decided to provide PPE, medicines, test kits worth Tk. 15 crore for diagnosis and protecting the frontline healthcare workers.
So, didn’t all the doctors treat patients with the symptoms of cold-cough and fever? Last month, I visited a private hospital’s respiratory medicine department with the symptoms of pneumonia. I was a bit nervous since the symptoms of pneumonia and COVID-19 are almost same. But I saw a lot of patients are waiting there along with me. During checkup, the doctor was just wearing ordinary hand gloves and N-95 mask.
On 31 March, Prime Minister also said, ‘PPE is not necessary to use for all. It is only required for doctors, nurses and for those who look after patients. Those who need to wear masks will wear masks only, those who need to use gloves will use gloves only and those who need to wear gowns will wear gowns only. It is not necessary for all to use all protective equipment.’
At such a risky time, everybody needs protective equipment as appropriate to their duties and risk level. To fight against COVID-19, doctors, police, Army, journalists, executive magistrates, cleaners, volunteers and many others are working at the field level, but only few of them have full set PPE. Considering the safety aspects, they all need PPE following risk level. But, when there is priority question, everyone must tell the doctor beforehand.
Humanity’s endless war against pathogens has been going since long. If one is beaten, there’s always another pathogen waiting. Epidemics caused due to pathogens killed millions of people long before the current age of globalization. Pathogens have become stronger day by day, while new methods of relief have also been discovered. No doubt, it came through the continuous dedications of medical scientists and physicians.
We may remember that when it was surveyed worldwide to select the best invention of the last century, people had chosen X-rays and Penicillin than the technologies like Higgs-Boson Particle, or Robotics. Now everyone is hoping, when the medical scientists will discover a vaccine. South Korea is one of the two countries, who spend their most GDP on research. Korea, so far, has been able to test most coronavirus cases.
It is true that there is a lack of discipline in the field of healthcare services in our country, and we do not blame the physicians alone for this. When the medical scientists, physician and healthcare workers are providing medical care closely in this global epidemic, it will be outrageous if we ignore their contributions.
Hippocrates philosophy was, ‘Treating the patient, not just the disease’. Even today, the oath taken when pursuing a degree in medicine is in accordance with his philosophy. Not all professionals have the opportunity to make the same mistake twice; doctor’s profession is one of them. Since, Hippocrates did not make the same mistake twice; we certainly believe that his disciples also have that quality. Hats off to all the healthcare workers.

(Nazrul Islam, columnist and MPhil research scholar, School of Education at Bangladesh Open University; email: [email protected])
