Hindus from Myanmar joined streams of Muslim Rohingyas to seek refuge in Bangladesh amid escalating violence in Rakhine State. This photo was taken on Friday from a makeshift settlement near the Kutupalong Refugee Camp in Ukhiya, where nearly 500 Hindus arrived along with tens of thousands of Rohingyas since August 25.

Hindus from Myanmar joined streams of Muslim Rohingyas to seek refuge in Bangladesh amid escalating violence in Rakhine State. This photo was taken on Friday from a makeshift settlement near the Kutupalong Refugee Camp in Ukhiya, where nearly 500 Hindus a
Hindus from Myanmar joined streams of Muslim Rohingyas to seek refuge in Bangladesh amid escalating violence in Rakhine State. This photo was taken on Friday from a makeshift settlement near the Kutupalong Refugee Camp in Ukhiya, where nearly 500 Hindus a

