Hilsa fishing resumes after 22-day ban

UNB, Dhaka :
The catching, selling, transportation and hoarding of Hilsa resumed on Thursday after a 22-day ban imposed by the government expired.
The ban from October 9 to 30 was imposed to ensure safe spawning of the national fish during its peak breeding period. During this time, 193 fishermen were punished and fined for violating the ban in Chandpur, our correspondent reports.
According to district fisheries department, 102 mobile court drives were conducted in the Sadar, Matlab North and Haimchar upazilas. During the drives, 6.67 metric tons of Hilsa fish were seized which were later distributed among different orphanages.
During this period, 1,16,000 meters of Current Jal worth Tk 2.3 crores were seized. A total of 211 cases were filed.