Hillary`s campaign to target middle class

She stepping back into presidential fray

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton

AFP, Washington :Hillary Clinton is expected to announce her candidacy for US president Sunday, ending prolonged speculation that she once again seeks to become the first woman elected to the White House.Seven years after her bitter nomination defeat to Barack Obama, the former secretary of state and one-time first lady would enter the race as the Democratic Party’s overwhelming favorite, as Clinton and her rivals gird for a bruising, 18-month campaign slog.Her announcement is expected to be delivered via social media — perhaps in a tweet — and accompanied by a campaign kickoff video highlighting her economy-focused political philosophy, according to US news outlets citing sources close to Clinton operations.It is likely to trigger a donor deluge from a vast network of supporters who have long waited for her to officially enter the race, a move that would allow them to contribute directly to her 2016 election effort.Clinton’s campaign-in-waiting has organized for months behind the scenes, bringing on key staffers and advisors, plotting outreach operations and strategizing.On Saturday, the campaign team hunkered down in Clinton headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, where upcoming campaign manager Robby Mook reportedly delivered a memo to staff urging teamwork in the months ahead.”We are a diverse and talented family… and have each other’s backs,” the memo states, according to Politico, perhaps in an effort to avoid the infighting among top aides that marred Clinton’s 2008 run.The 2016 campaign goal, the memo adds, is “to give every family, every small business, and every American a path to lasting prosperity by electing Hillary Clinton the next president of the United States.”
