Hillary now narrowly leads Trump

Hillary Clinton greeted people at a stop in Miami's Little Haiti as she tries to motivate her supporters to vote on Saturday.
Hillary Clinton greeted people at a stop in Miami's Little Haiti as she tries to motivate her supporters to vote on Saturday.
Al Jazeera News :
Democratic US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton holds a five-point lead over Republican Donald Trump in the latest Washington Post-ABC Tracking Poll released early on Sunday.
In a Post-ABC poll released two days before, Clinton had led Trump by 47 percent to 44 percent.
Clinton had an advantage in affirmative support, the poll said, with 55 percent of backers saying they are mainly supporting her, compared with 43 percent of Trump voters. More Trump voters say they “mainly oppose Clinton”. Americans will vote for a new president on November 8, although millions have already chosen who they want to rule the country in early voting. The new poll came alongside a brief moment of drama in the final days of campaigning. Trump was bundled off stage by secret service officers at a rally in Reno, Nevada, on Saturday night after a perceived security threat as he and Clinton made a final campaigning push across states that could prove decisive.
The security agents seized Trump by the shoulders and hustled him backstage as police officers swarmed over a white male in the front of
the crowd and held him face down on the ground while they searched him.
Moments later, the man was escorted by police away with his hands behind his back. Trump, seemingly unruffled, returned to the stage and continued his campaign speech.