Hillary dividing Americans over voting rights : GOP

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks at Texas Southern University in Houston.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks at Texas Southern University in Houston.
AP, Houston :
Republicans struck back Friday against Hillary Rodham Clinton’s suggestions that they have attempted to disenfranchise voters systematically. They accused the Democratic presidential front-runner of running a divisive campaign and favoring lax controls on voting.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a potential GOP presidential candidate, said in Concord, New Hampshire, that Clinton didn’t know “the first thing about voting rights in New Jersey,” and simply wanted to have an opportunity to “commit greater acts of voter fraud” around the nation.
Another potential Republican rival, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, told Fox News that Clinton was “dividing America” and overlooking the fact that Ohio has 28 days of early voting while her home state of New York doesn’t have any. Ohio had 35 days of early voting until he signed a law last year lopping off a week.
“What is she talking about?” Kasich asked. “Don’t be running around the country dividing America.”
Clinton said Thursday in Houston that a group of current and former Republican governors pursuing the White House has “systematically and deliberately” tried to prevent millions of Americans from voting. Clinton said the changes were aimed at making it more difficult for minority and low-income voters to cast a ballot and outlined steps to expand access to early voting and allow universal, automatic voter registration for young people.
It was the first time as a presidential candidate that Clinton singled out her potential Republican rivals by name, criticizing voting policies of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Christie.
Clinton cited Christie for vetoing a bill in New Jersey to extend early voting. She said Bush had conducted a “deeply flawed” purge of eligible voters in Florida by having the names of people who were mistakenly thought to be felons removed from voting rolls.