Accidents rise alarmingly: Highways turn hell

Kazi Zahidul Hasan :
Although reckless driving on the highways is claiming lives almost every day, the authorities concerned are yet to come out with stringent measures to stop the chaos.

More than 90 road accidents were recorded in the last two weeks leaving at least 160 people dead and nearly 400 injured.

“Over speeding and reckless driving are mainly responsible for accidents on the national highways. Mixed traffic flow and jaywalkers are also contributing to the accidents,” Illias Kanchan, Chairman of Nirapad Sarak Chai, told The New Nation on Sunday.

He said heavy vehicles often plying on highways without fitness also major causes of road accident.

 “Drivers seem to be desperate on the wheels during the said period to maintain their Eid trips pushing up the number of accidents and death tolls. But no action has been taken by the authorities against the errant drivers. Even, no penalty is being imposed on any violator,” he added.


Illias Kanchan also said that the increasing number of accidents highlighted the risk being posed to hundreds of passengers at the highways. “All accidents could not be registered in police stations because of the poor vigilance of the highway police,” he added. “Accident has increased alarmingly over the last few weeks making the highways into a death trap,” Prof Md. Shamsul Hoque, a transport and road safety expert, told The New Nation yesterday.

Analyzing the recent rise in accidents, he said, profiteering mentality of the transport owners and greed to additional income by the drivers have contributed to the alarming rise in mishaps.

 “Drivers have reportedly been flouted speed limits to make up additional trips leading them to dangerous driving, increasing the number of accidents during Eid,” said Prof Shamsul Hoque. He further said the drivers are using their mobile phones at the wheel sometimes leading to accidents.

 “But in general, poor knowledge and skill of drivers about driving and road safety, plying of unfit vehicles and absence of vigilance are being identified as the main reasons for road accidents,” he added. Prof Shamsul Hoque mentioned that the drivers have always the tendency to overtake and speeding. It is the task of the concerned agencies to prevent the drivers from such unlawful practices.

 “No stringent measure is yet to be taken to bring back the drivers into discipline as well the roads. The government seems to be reluctant to ensure road safety because of various pressure groups. We cannot expect such a role from the government. It should have a strong commitment to prevent chaos on highways to ensure safe journey for the commuters,” he said.
