Highway or death traps!

Shops on both sides, frequent speed-breakers invite fatal accidents: Rampage by auto owners and drivers protesting ban

Banning of autos: Owners and drivers go on rampage on Dhaka-Ctg highway near Foujdarhat with stones (left); several auto rickshaws being parked in queues on Dhaka-Sylhet highway (middle) and 20 KM gridlocked by heavy vehicles in Feni area due to blockade
Banning of autos: Owners and drivers go on rampage on Dhaka-Ctg highway near Foujdarhat with stones (left); several auto rickshaws being parked in queues on Dhaka-Sylhet highway (middle) and 20 KM gridlocked by heavy vehicles in Feni area due to blockade

SM Mizanur Rahman :The government move to make highways accident free is a right step that need to be properly implemented. In experts opinion banning the movement of CNG run autorickshaws and such other non-motorized vehicles is a very necessary condition but not a sufficient condition to remove the risks of accidents from the highways. There are many other players and question arises who will make them accountable and take them to book. They say highways must be highways with physical protections from intruders and monitoring of the law enforcers such as highway police to keep the long distance vehicles running undisturbed with full safety to their passengers and goods in their cargo vans. But our highways are not highways except names. There is no standard code of conducts for bus and other transports drivers using the national express ways. There is no sign board indicating critical turning points and advice on the speed of the vehicles at different sections based on highways condition. Cows cross the highways risking passengers’ life. Pedestrians and infants walk in the sideway and cross the highways at will. There are speed breakers at frequent infervals only to break the back of the passengers which is nowhere visible all over the world on the highways, except in Bangladesh. It shows that the ministry of communication and the road and highways department are yet to be educated how other countries of the world have not only developed their national roads and highways but also managing them with competence. Busy markets on the highways including vegetable vendors and shops are open risks to people’s life when buses and trucks run in high speed through such market places. Ruling party leaders and workers are dominating those places but the safety of people on highways hardly dominates their thinking. Nor local police men are bothered to keep the highways clear. They takes bribes from errant drivers instead of detaining them. The so-called highway police can be seldom visible on the express way. And again they allow unfit vehicles to run on payment of informal rent. Experts speaking to the New Nation mentioned only a few causes of accidents. They said drivers of inter-city buses work overtime and run in haste to reach the long distance destinations. They often run into accidents killing people on the spot. Narrow roads passages and potholes filed with rainy water can’t be highways and people are dying without any one to care about and be held accountable for failing to maintaining the roads and highways. They are not called for asked for show cause and punished for such accidents. So in experts views, banning the CNG and such other autorickshaws will not alone do except making people fool. What was essential was that the highway authorities should have held consultation with stakeholders to convince the people of the risks and alternative way to make up their losses. Using force is only spreading chaos. CNG drivers and owners locked in fight yesterday with bus owners at many places across the country and threatened action programe against each other. It can’t be a way to make the highways safe. Owners and drivers of auto-rickshaw on Sunday staged demonstration and went on rampage on different highways across the country protesting the ban on the movement of three-wheelers vehicles on highways.They demonstrated on Dhaka-Aricha, Dhaka-Mymensingh, Dhaka- Sylhet, Dhaka-Chittagong and Dhaka-Tangail highways putting barricade on them. They issued threat to go for violent programme if the government does not withdraw its decision. The auto-rickshaw drivers clashed with the members of law enforcing agencies. Chase and counter-chase also took place on different highways during the demonstration. Police resorted to baton charge to disperse the agitating owners and drivers of auto-rickshaws halting vehicle movement on the highways. As a result a long tailback was created on the highways causing untold sufferings to the long distance passengers on different routes.The government has banned movement of auto-rickshaws and non-motorised vehicles on the highways across the country from Saturday (August 1). The decision to ban plying of auto-rickshaws was taken after taking into account the frequent accidents involving heavier vehicles resulting in deaths of many human lives in recent times.Meanwhile, M. A. N. Siddique, Secretary, Road Transport and Highways Division on Sunday made the government stand clear that decision to stop plying of three-wheelers on highways across the country will remain unchanged. “The government decision will remain unchanged as it has been taken after considering everything. And the government is strict in its decision about banning three wheelers like CNG-run auto-rickshaw on highways”, the secretary told journalists at his Secretariat office.When asked about massive protest by the owners and drivers of auto-rickshaw he said the government will not backtrack from its earlier decision.On Dhaka-Aricha highway, over 120 CNG-driven auto-rickshaw drivers and owners staged demonstration and put up barricade on the highway near Savar bus stand on Sunday morning.Since early in the morning the owners and drivers of auto-rickshaw started gathering near Savar bus stand and they took to the Dhaka-Aricha highway. According to the locals, when the police tried to bar the auto-rickshaw drivers and owners, they became furious and tried to break the law enforcers’ barricade. “At one stage police swooped on us and started clubbing indiscriminately. Many of our owners and drivers received serious injuries in police action,” an auto-rickshaw driver told journalists.  In Gazipur, three-wheel operators under the banner Owners and Drivers Oikya Parishad took out a protest procession and paraded city streets. Later, they gathered in front of the Deputy Commissioner’s office and staged protest demanding withdrawal of government decision immediately.The owners and drivers of three-wheelers of the Gazipur district said that they have some 10 thousands legal auto-rickshaws and they pay tax over 10 crore taka to government every year.If the ban on movement of auto-rickshaws on highways continues, over 30 thousands owners and driver will become jobless, they said. They also staged demonstration in different areas of Joydebpur and Chandona Chowrasta of the city. The protesters also blocked the Dhaka-Mymensingh highway in Joina Bazar area in Sripur.On Dhaka-Sylhet highway, protesters called indefinite strike in Sylhet district from Sunday protesting the ban.Mohammad Jakaria, President of Sylhet Union’s District Unit, issued threat to continue the strike unless the government withdraws the ban. “We earn our livelihood through driving auto-rickshaw. If the government doesn’t withdraw its decision we will have to pass through a critical situation. Our family members depend on auto-rickshaw’s income. It is our main source of income,” he said.On Dhaka-Chittagong highway, agitating owners and drivers put up barricade on different spots of the highway including Mohammad Ali Bazar in Feni sadar, at Faujdarhat in Baro Aulia Police Station.According to local and police, the drivers and owners blocked the highway at Mohammad Ali Bazar and ransacked at least five buses, a truck and a covered van at about 11 am.
