‘Highest rate of child marriage in Bangladesh’


A recent survey has revealed that due to patriarchal family culture, a teenage girl has a little opportunity to raise voice against any decision taken by her guardians against early marriage, even if that goes against her will and freedom. The marriage process excludes voice of girls and they have to act as a silent subject, said child rights activists.A father, the sole decision maker of a family, often arranges marriage for his daughter without consultation with her, even his wife. The family chief thinks he always does the right and intends to run the family in his way. Around 30 percent girls are to set marriage at 15 or below in Bangladesh, said a report of CARE Bangladesh which was published last year (2015). Bangladesh has the highest rate of child marriage outside sub-Saharan nations and the country sees 65 percent of girls get married before 18 while 51 percent enrolled in secondary schools, according to the last year’s report.
Poverty, sense of insecurity, social norms, religious and cultural beliefs and dowry play key role in marrying girl at early age, said child rights activists.
Besides, limited transportation, geographical isolation, seasonal and environmental hazards play important role in child marriage in rural areas, they said.
For example, girls of Haor region face difficulties to go to schools from April to Mid-August- the rainy season, when the Haors turned into seas. Infrastructural development, easy access to transport, enhancing security system, health care, livelihoods, and access to information are crucial to combat child marriage in the country.
Along with the enforcement of law, comprehensive plan of action is crucial to build public awareness and change social norms for ending child marriage. Child marriage is one of the major barriers in women empowerment and overall development of Bangladesh. So, the message of negative impact of child marriage should be spread out everywhere, especially in rural areas, to end the curse.
