People asked to pray at home: Highest 10 persons can join Jum’a prayers


Staff Reporter :
As the coronavirus situation deteriorated in the country, the Religious Affairs Ministry has asked the Muslim devotes to pray at their homes.
In the mosques, only Khatib, Imam, Muazzin and Khadems can offer congregational prayers five times a day, while the common devotees will have to pray at homes.Besides, maximum 10 people can join the Jum’a prayers on Friday.
The Ministry issued these directives on Monday noon.
At the same time, the followers of other religions have also been instructed to worship in their respective homes instead of going to worship places.
It also directed all concerned not to organise any kind of Waz Mahfil, Tafsir Mahfil, Tabligi Talim or Milad Mahfil across the country.
The Ministry also warned of taking legal action against the violators.
