High powered committee formed to gear up Ctg Port activities

A Correspondent :
The Chittagong Port Authority (CPA) has formed a 16- member committee to gear up the operational activities of Chittagong port, the prime sea port of the country recently. The 16 member committee which was formed to ensure the operational activities of Chittagong sea port without break included the CPA officials as well as the stakeholders, sources said.
The 16 member committee is headed by Director Traffic of CPA. The rest members of the committee are chief engineer of CPA (Mechanical), terminal managers, Chittagong Custom House, representatives of different trade bodies including Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) Chitta-gong Metropolitan Cham-ber of Commerce and Industry (CMCCI), Bangl-adesh Shipping Agents Association, Bangladesh Container Shipping Associ-ation, BGMEA, BKMEA, Bangladesh Off Dock Owners Association, Chit-tagong Berth Operators, Chittagong Terminal Oper-ators Association, Ship Handling Operators Asso-ciation, Bangladesh Freight Forwarders Association.
The committee can be expanded by including or co-opting the new members, said the CPA sources. On the other hand, the CPA has taken 21-point decision to remove the long congestion of containers at Chittagong Sea Port and jetties.
The decisions are Un-staffing of LCL containers within two days of berthing, ensuring the delivery of FCL containers on the day of berthing, introducing of all systems and equipments hot service system during the delivery, ensuring the presence of all shift staffs and officials before starting the new shift etc.
The meeting of the committee also decided to ensure the service of all agencies and authorities concerned to ensure the operational activities 24/7 system.
The meeting also decided to ensure the step of National Board of Revenue (NBR) for delivering the 37 items of goods to the off docks. The committee also decided to monitor the services of off docks and ensure the implementation of government rules at the off docks.
Sources said, Chittagong Port, the prime sea port of the country is facing problems in clearing imported containers, particularly those imported by single importers, for the last three months because of strained handling facility at the country’s port.
As a result, severe congestion of the containers is hampering the regular operational activities of the Chittagong sea port now.
Sources said, the congestion has led to disruption in the overall container handling operation of the port, which accounts for more than 90 percent of the country’s international trade. Earlier, on July 22, Chairman of NBR Mohammad Najibor Rahman said, “Chittagong port and Chittagong Custom House ready to be opened for 24 hours for helping the business community.” Business community leader Anjan Shekhor Das alleged that although the government decided to keep Chittagong port and Chittagong Custom House open for 24 hours, there is no custom officials for signing the documents for clearing the containers as well as banks and other supporting offices were alos not opened at a time.”
Director of BGMEA Das also said, “One ship has to stay at the Chittagong port for long 10 to 15 days. As a result, cost of export and import is increasing hampering the trade and business of our country.” Chairman of the CPA Rear Admiral M Khaled Iqbal said, “CPA has taken some emergency measures to ease the existing congestion at the port” He said the port has a capacity to deliver 4,000 TEUs containers daily but it receives only clearing requests for up to 2,800 TEUs containers from users.” He also hoped that the existing backlog of ships at the outer anchorage of the country’s prime seaport Chittagong would ease very soon.
Sources said, all most 90% of the country’s export and import is done through Chittagong port, located by the estuary of the Karnaphuli River. Besides, Chittagong port is experiencing 16% to 17% growth in cargo and container handling.No jetty has been constructed in the last nine years. As a result, the vessel congestion persists in absence of adequate jetty facilities.
To make things worse, the two gantry cranes which were damaged following an accident on June 25 has substantially disrupted the container handling operations of the port.