High level research team visits Barishal to find cause of spreading dengue

Barishal Correspondent :
A high -level research team completed week long data collection and survey about spreading of Dengue disease in Barishal area including Sher-E- Bangla Medical College Hospital.
The team consisted with 15 members including seven doctors and 8 technologist collected blood sample, data of dengue patients and inspected sites suitable for spreading dengue -larvae from 21 August to 26 August.
During the drive the team visiting 18 hundred houses and public service institutions including government and non-government health service providers.
Dr.Omar Faruque, leader of the research team of Institute of Epidemiology , Disease Control & Research (IEDCR) under health ministry, said after receiving information about huge number of dengue infected patients in Barishal district, we came here for field level study and collecting history, data and sample to find out causes of spreading the disease.
During our drives we visited all of 30 wards under Barishal City Corporation and different public offices, hospitals and non-government institutions and health service providers and interviewed the infected patients to find out their history of their infection, Dr. Faruque added.
We inspected different government institutions including Barishal Sher-E-Bangla Medical College Hospital and General Hospital and found some spots as favorable for breeding Aedes mosquito and collected samples of larvae from those spots for testing, he said.
After analyzing collected data, information and samples, we will submit a repost about causes of spreading of dengue diseases in Barishal, he told.
SM Ajiar Rahman , deputy commission, Barishal said, the research team also met with him and suggested that the spots favourable for breeding mosquito larvae including Sher-E-Bangla Medical College Hospital and other public and private institutions, should be removed immediately.
According to Barishal divisional health directorate office, within last 24 hours till Tuesday noon 110 new dengue patients including 48 in Sher-E-Bangla Medical College Hospital, 4 in Barishal district, 11 in Patuakhali, 12 in Bhola, 24 in Pirojpur,10 in Barguna, 1 in Jhalakathi, were admitted in six districts of the division.
From July 16, total 3,635 patients including 1641 at SBMCH, 382 in other public and 72 in private hospitals of Barishal district, 401 in Patuakhali, 355 in Bhola, 414 in Pirojpur, 298 in Barguna and 72 in Jhalakathi districts were admitted, 11 died and rest 368 remained under treatment in different hospitals of the division till Tuesday noon, said Shyamal Krishna Mandal, assistant director of Barishal divisional health directorate.
Among them 11 including 6 at SBMCH, 2 in other places of Barishal district, 2 in Banguna and one in Pirojpur district died.
Besides 3,256 patients including 1473 from SBMCH, 437 from other hospitals of Barishal district, 352 from Patuakhali, 321 from Bhola, 344 from Pirojpur, 273 from Barguna, 66 from Jhalakathi district released after treatment, the divisional AD of health directorate added.