Hifazat’s 13 point charter of demands not yet fulfilled

Staff Reporter :
Hifazat-e-Islam Bangladesh’s chief Allama Ahmed Shafi and Secretary General Allama Junaid Babunagari in statement on Saturday said that the 13 point demand of Hifazat-e-Islam has not been fulfilled even today for which the organization arranged a mass gathering on May 5.
“The Hifazat movement will continue until the demand is fulfilled. We cannot forget the people who have died in the movement for the protection of Iman. The trial of martyrs of Shapla Chattar

will be one day in this country,” this claim was made in a statement of Hefajat-e Islam on Saturday.
They said, in 2013, some atheists attacked on the beloved devotee of Allah, the Prophet, the Holy Quran and the Hadith and Quran-e-Hafeej. Demanding of their exemplary punishment Hifazat made a peaceful gathering in the capital Dhaka on May 5.
But the joint forces made a painful history by attacking the innocent, they said.
In the statement, they also said that the law enforcing agencies stopped supplying food and water for Hifazat activists who participated in Dhaka blockade. Not only that the law enforcers switch off street lights from evening, the statement said.
The barbarous killing has been made by switching off light and making the wick dark around Motijheel, they said.
