Hi State! To Whom We’ll Go For Safety?


Rabiul Alam :
How long should I wait to see an end of these tortures, rapes? Hi, state could you please suggest me which kind of learning I should be trained up to make my mother, sister, daughter to be eligible to stay safe on your heart. Why are you not privileging us? Are we not obligated to you? Are we not paying you tax? Are we not fulfilling your aspirations?
Hi state, how will you explain it? How long could you term it as unexpected incident? How many rapes you need to make your ground safe? Whatever you do but you can’t say its unexpected then what you will answer to Tonu, Nusrat. They will definitely laugh at you. Why every time you are stopped by “Eye wash-statements”. Stop reading such bullshits, start ensuring justice otherwise a dark age is waiting near future.
Hi state, how many dramas will you pretended to stage? How many talk shows you need? How many Intellectuals you need to dispute on TVs for final ending? How much a girl should learn to be free from your dark regime? Every girl should be Rokeya Shakhawat Hossain? But do you know some of your educated sons said even Rokeya as your blemish. They yet have been teaching students that women are the field of production and through such statements they are showcasing women as sexual objects to the next generations.
Hi state, you have been taking my tax in return of security. To whom I should go to ask for ensuring safety of my family members? All are deaf, state. Your descendants still keep threatening of rape even at your worthiest places and your daughter replies to this saying “Our reverence is not in our physical form, rather in our mentality” Even after this, how much respective words do you need? How many times will you fire bullets in exchange of rose? How many times we would be beaten up by you and pushed out? How many accomplishments are you providing to your educated rapists? From whom you are being directed to be indifferent to these messy cautions? Or to stay silenced?
Whole country shattered that day when a Cumilla Victoria College student was raped and tortured to death even in army dominated so called secure area, but we still didn’t get any punishments to perpetrators. You have forgotten her as if there were no existences of that girl on your ground. We have no alternative ways to seek justice, so we have to come to your door but we have been disappointed and deprived of proper justice.
Hi state, why are you so deaf even after feeling all these messy coincidences? Who actually closed your ear hole by payola? Why are you giving magnitude losing your dignity? How are you benefiting yourself? You are in deep sleep, still no one can wake you up, and even you are not standing by them. Gradually all are losing expectancy, be ready for dirty rainstorm coming to you, it already roaming around your house wall. Its awaiting to enter your home, no one will be left to help you, you couldn’t raise your voice then because you already have been making all impervious. You were there, witnessing every bit of it but still could not protest and finally you yourself will be raped.
But if it really happens, could you imagine the thing you are doing to us right now? May we couldn’t be eye witnessed of your helpless situation but we could never pardon you, you indirectly have been raping mothers, sisters, daughters. Stop here, I can’t tolerate more, Hi state, you yourself is a rapist and I want your exemplary punishment before you are being raped.
(Rabiul Alam, an undergraduate final year student of Jagannath University English Department)
