Hi-calcium non fat milk “calci pro” is in market

Business Desk :
New Zealand Dairy Products Bangladesh Ltd (NZDP), has introduced one of its therapeutic products “Calci-Pro” in Bangladesh on Friday at the Grand Ballroom of the Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Ms. Joanna Kempkers, High Commissioner of New Zealand to Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka &Ambassador to Nepal, Officials from Fonterra, S.A. Mallick, FCA, Managing Director, New Zealand Dairy Products Bangladesh Limited along with other officials and dignitaries attended the inaugural programme. Fonterra Technical Manager Gerard O’sullivan presented product benefits and features of CalCi Pro.
Calci-Pro is excellently formulated in combination of pure milk added calcium along with unique proportion of Magnesium, Vitamin D, Zinc and other bone minerals which are supportive for the calcium to be absorbed in bones.
It helps preventing bone decay that leads to Osteoporosis; a silent killer.The ailment affects 1 in 3 women, and 1 in 5 men. Calci-Pro strengthens bones through its unique three step system that brings together protein, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin K. The advanced formulation with vitamin D supports effective absorption of calcium and phosphorous. After which the revolutionary Regenerative Formula containing vitamin K activates special bone proteins that bind calcium deep into bones.