Help your child value money

Life Desk :
Teaching your child to be a conscious spender begins with how they treat their pocket money. Parents take note
It may be difficult to imagine your little guy filling in their investment declarations but their financial stability in future depends on choices you make today. Whether your child grows up to be frugal with his pay-check or an indulgent spender depends on how well you balance your check-book. Teaching your child the value of money is an important aspect of parenting, says counsellors. So while you try your best to teach your child ethics and other principles of life also try and instil a firm understanding of financial matters too. It doesn’t have to be a lecture on business ethics but saying no to their tantrums might make sure they aren’t spending beyond their means when they grow up. Here is what you can do to help your child value money:
One parenting mistake that we all make is to mindlessly splurge on our children. A little thought in this matter will make you realise that compulsive buying for children is done to satisfy our own underlying desires, rather than meeting our children’s needs.
Buying new clothes and toys for your baby is all fine, but as your child grows it’s imperative that you are cautious about your spending habits, as your child will now be taking cues from you.
To start with, teach him the basic principles of reuse and recycle from an early age. Take your tween to a library and pick up books that they need to return within a fortnight. It will also teach them responsibility.
Children learn from example, so if you share with your spouse they will be more inclined to share with siblings. If your children are within the same age bracket, it may be a good idea to buy toys that they can share with each other.
This is your first step towards teaching them to reduce expenses for things that aren’t an absolute necessity and to look for options to make choices in a more fulfilling way.
This advice comes with a rider. Help your child take responsibility for money. If they are never given the chance to handle finances, they are unlikely to learn.
When your child is around 10, start with the pocket money system. Decide the amount by discussing what they will use it for. It is a good idea to take into account bills in the house and have them pay a part of it out of their sum. For example, if the electricity bill amounts to Rs 3,000, have them contribute a percentage to it.
They are likely to be conscious of wasting electricity by leaving the lights on if they know that it is eating into the money they will spend on night outs.
Teaching your child the difference between the two is crucial.
Though you might have to increase his allowance with every passing year, make sure you don’t go off track. Be judgmental about hisher financial demands.
Remember, early exposure to money can be destructive if not supervised adequately. If your child demands an increase in the allowance or more money to buy things that aren’t a necessity, have clear and firm conversations with him/her.
Doling out advice doesn’t always help, so have rational conversations and talk to your child instead. Reason out why buying an iPad isn’t as necessary as buying a washing machine for the family and so you won’t do it.
With increases in allowance there would be an increase in expenditure too; ask your child to maintain an expense diary.
Keeping a tab of his own expenses will give him a sense of control over his money and help him spend every rupee wisely.
If your child knows how to do the calculations and finish his math homework all alone, preparing an expense sheet isn’t a difficult task for him. It will sharpen his math skills too.
– Mumbai Mirror