Help climate refugees find shelter easily

Staff Reporter :
The rights groups have urged the South Asian leaders to introduce a SAARC charter on free movement for climate induced migrants that the climate refugees can find shelter easily.
Leaders of the rights groups at a press conference on Saturday said that the South Asian leaders may introduce the charter
in the upcoming 18th summit of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) to be held in Kathmandu in Nepal from November 26 to 28.  
The press conference was held at the National Press Club in the city under the title ‘People’s SAARC Bangladesh Group’. The group was represented by Bangladesh Paribesh Andoloan (BAPA), Bangladesh Dalit and Excluded Rights Movement (BDERM), Bangladesh Nari Pragoti Sangha (BNPS), Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD), Institute of Environment and Development (IED), Nagorik Uddyag and Shusanoer Jonny Procharavizan (SUPRO).
Dr Rashid E Mahbub, chairman of the People’s SAARC Bangladesh Group, presided over the programme while Dr Abdul Matin, general secretary of BAPA, Mostafa Kamal Akhanda of EquityBD, Zakir Hossain, executive director of Nagorik Uddyag, and Sahanaz Sumi of BNPS addressed it, among others.
Monju Rani Pramanik of SUPRO presented the keynote paper on behalf of the group. In the keynote paper, the group also placed several other demands to the SAARC leaders on eve of the upcoming summit. The demands include ensuring effective cooperation in agriculture sector development in the South Asian region that major part of the people of the region can get livelihood and economic opportunity, development of common water management strategies that the SAARC countries, especially Bangladesh, India, Nepal and even China, can promote agriculture system and hydro power development with equity and justice, giving emphasis for implementation of SAARC Dhaka and Thimphu declaration on climate change, and exploration of appropriate strategies in promoting cross boarder peace, security and employment.