‘Hefazat won’t be spared in any way’


Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Haque said on Saturday that Hefazat-e-Islam will not be spared in any way for carrying out violence on March 27-27.
“They have hurt the spirit of the Liberation War by taking stand against the state, therefore, fair trials would be ensured,” he said.
The minister made the remarks after paying homage to the portrait of the Father of the Nation at Dhanmondi No. 32 on the occasion of historic Mujibnagar Day.
Hefazat-e-Islam carried out the violence from March 26 to March 27 in imitation of what the Pakistanis did in 1971. Hefazat will have to face trial legally; they will not be exempted from this in any way, he said.
Secretary of the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs Tapan Kanti Ghosh was present at the time.
“Hefazat does not respect our national anthem, does not fly the national flag,” he said adding, that “They do not believe in the spirit of the liberation war, we have liberated the country by fighting for our lives with a lot of bloods.
“They have burnt down our government offices, courts and Ustad Alauddin Khan’s house, so this situation cannot be accepted in any way,” he said.
