Hefazat expresses concern over militant uprising in country

Chittagong Bureau :
Amir of Hefazate Islam Allama Shah Ahmed Shafi expressed concerned over the recently militants attacks in Gulshan and Sholakia Eid Jamaat.
He said a vested quarters in the name of secularism led to atheism conspiring against the nation using the name of Islam through killings of foreigners and the religious persons. In a statement issued to the media he said atheism in the name of secularism are the roots of the militancy.
Press secretary of Hefazat Islam Moulana Munir ahmed confirmed the issue of the statement to press mentioned the expressions of Allama shafi. Mentionable that Allama shafi issued this statement one week after the calls of Inspector general of Police for actions against the militants.
He also expressed in the statement that to hamper the advancement of the development of Bangladesh, national unity and damage the reputations of the govt, a vested quarters is deeply conspiring the disestablize the country.
He also criticized the monitoring on Khatibs, Imams of mosques rather giving support them to play their active roles against the terrorism and anarchy, the statement added.