Hefazat-e-Islam holds protest rally in Rajshahi over Bhola clash

RU Correspondent :
Hefazat-e-Islam on Tuesday held a rally in Rajshahi protesting Sunday’s clash in Bhola that left four people dead and around hundred injured.
Over two hundred supporters of Hefazat-e-Islam gathered at the city’s Zeropoint around 1 pm demanding punishment of the police personnel who were responsible for the death of four people during the clash in Bhola.
They said, police personnel killed those agitators during the rally intentionally. They, now, demanded compensation for the victims’ families, free treatment for all the injured and unconditional release of those arrested in connection with the clash.
They also demanded exemplary punishment of the accused Hindu youth immediately. Noted, earlier on Saturday, at least four people were killed and more than a hundred injured as fanatics clashed with the police personnel at Borhanuddin upazila in Bhola for making a Facebook post allegedly hurting religious sentiments.