Hefazat-e-Islam gets Nurul Islam as new acting Secretary General

Staff Reporter :
Nurul Islam, Secretary General of Tahaffuz Khatm-e-Nabuwwat and Principal of Khilgaon Jamia Islamia Makhjanul Uloom Madrasa, has been selected as the new acting secretary general of the Qawmi madrasa-based radical Islamist platform Hefazat-e-Islam Bangladesh.
Hefazat-e-Islam Bangladesh Central Publicity Secretary Zakariya Noman Foyezi confirmed the appointment to the media.
“On December 23, Hefazat-e-Islam Bangladesh held a special meeting at Hathazari Madrasa and Nurul Islam was selected for the post of acting secretary general of the platform,” said the Hefazat leader.
Nurul Islam will replace Nur Hossain Kasemi, who died at a hospital in Dhaka on December 13.
Hefazat was formed in 2010 and came to prominence by mobilizing opposition to the Shahbagh Movement in early 2013. It was then that its leaders issued their now infamous 13-point charter, which included demands for death penalty for atheists and certain restrictions on social gathering between men and women.