Hefajat Ameer advises to abide by Ulama

Staff Reporter :
Hefajat-e Islam Chief Shah Ahmed Shafi, who is the chairman of Qawmi Madrasa Education Board, addressing a rally (Tablig’s Zoor) advised all to follow what the ulama said, and never follow them who assault ulama and beat them.

Over 20,000 leaders and activists of both the Islamic groups took part in the programme held at an Eidgah ground adjacent to Taj Mahal Road in Mohammadpur. The rally began at 10:00am and ended around 1:00pm.
Earlier on Saturday morning, thousands of followers of a faction of Tablig Jamaat and Hefajat-e Islam, who are against Tablig Jamaat leader Maulana Saad Kandhalvi, reached Dhaka.
The residents of Dhaka’s Mohammadpur and its adjoining areas on Saturday were caught in the severe traffic gridlock following the rally arranged by a faction of Tablig Jamaat and followers of Hefajat-e Islam.
Traffic movement was interrupted on the Taj Mahal Road, the Noor Jahan Road, the Town Hall, Mohammadpur bus stand and the adjacent areas due to the rally.
During the programme, the Tablig Jamat leaders took six decisions, including disobedience to Maulana Saad Kandhalvi.
They will not let Maulana Saad preach any sermon in Bangladesh, the leaders said.
The conflict between the two factions of Tablig Jamaat began during the Biswa Ijtema this year, the second largest Muslim congregation after the Hajj.
Hefajat-e Islam first tried to prevent Saad’s arrival because they strongly opposed to his participation in the Ijtema over allegations that Saad had given “controversial statements about the Quran and Sunnah”.
Finally, the top leader of the Tablig Jamaat Maulana Saad, who had been conducting the Akheri Munajat (concluding prayers) for the last three years, had to return to New Delhi without joining this year’s Biswa Ijtema.
Earlier, the two groups clashed at least four times, centring Saad’s speech. The home minister mediated between the two factions.
