HED implements Taka 78.55-cr schemes in Rajshahi


Health Engineering Department (HED) has implemented 100 schemes under various projects with an estimated cost of Taka 78.55 crore during the last nine years.
Of the schemes ,89 were completed by spending around Taka 48 crore while 11 others under four projects are progressing fast at a cost of around Taka 30.55 crore.
The districts, where the development projects implemented, are Rajshahi, Chapainawbganj and Naogaon, said Meer Abdul Hannan, Executive Engineer of HED here Thursday.
Construction works of 59 community clinics were completed at a cost of around Taka 6.47 crore while works on three others are progressing involving Taka 47.7 lakh with financial support from JICA.
Engineer Hannan said 25-percent construction works of Family Planning Office for Deputy Director and Divisional Director here has been completed. Sixty-three percent construction of Medical Assistant Training School at Patnitala in Naogaon district has been attained.
Construction and up gradation works of 16 Union Health and Family Welfare Centres were completed at a cost of around Taka 11.83 crore and works on four others are going on by spending Taka 2.24 crore successfully.
Upgradation of Upazila Health Complex from 31 to 50 beds was completed in Paba, Puthiya and Tanore upazilas. Two ten-bed Maternal and Child Welfare Centres were built at Patnitala Upazila in Naogaon district.
Remodeling, renovation and vertical extension works of existing family planning store building at Charghat Upazila were completed. Expansion works of Upazila Health Complex (UHC) were done to accommodate upazila family planning offices, stores and services at Bagha, Niamatpur and Nachole HCs.
Upgradation and renovation works of Monigram, Pananagar, Saranjai, Goala, Alampur and Patichara Union Health and Family Welfare Centres were also done.
In addition to construction of two district level EPI stores in Rajshahi and Naogaon, construction and remodeling of isolation suit/ward at Rajshahi Medical College Hospital and Chapainanwabgonj Sadar Hospital was completed.
A 100-bed diabetic hospital has been constructed in Rajshahi city.
Engineer Hannan said that the implemented projects have started contributing enormously to raising standard of living in both rural and urban areas.
Hasanuzzaman Madhu, Chairman of Sardaha Union Parishad under Charghat Upazila, said many people are getting physicians’ advice, health services and necessary medicines from the rural level hospitals and clinics including community clinics without hassle.
The community clinics have attained trusts of grassroots people including poor and merginalised as they are getting requisite primary healthcare services regularly at their doorsteps in the region,he said.
