Heavy downpour paralyses life

A view of Katalgonj area after heavy downpour on Thursday in the port city.
A view of Katalgonj area after heavy downpour on Thursday in the port city.
Chittaagong Bureau :
The port city and its adjacent areas on Wednesday experienced light to moderate rainfall bringing a respite from the persisting heat as well as a bit suffering for the city dwellers.
The first downpour of the monsoon started around 12pm and continued till filing of this report at 5.10pm.Met office sources said it recorded 8 millimetres rainfall from 12pm to 3pm.
Local met office also forecast light to moderate rainfall in Chittagong division in the next 24 hours.
Abrupt downpour, however, submerged many parts of the city including Bahaddarhat, Chawkbazar, Sholokbohor, Bakalia, Number -2 Gate, Muradpur and Agrabad while low-lying residential areas, commercial establishments and educational institutions were inundated with the intermittent heavy downpour.
Movements of mechanized vehicles in most of the city streets were hampered and a good number of vehicles remained stuck up in the knee-deep water as rain water submerged those thoroughfares for hours that mounted the sufferings of city-dwellers manifolds.
Fire Service, Chittagong Metropolitan and district police control room sources said they had not received any information of rain related incidents in the port city and its outskirts. Officials of the Chittagong Port Authority said overall operational activities of the country’s prime seaport remained uninterrupted.
Chittagong Shah Amanat International Airport’s traffic control room sources said the shower did not affect its scheduled flight operation.
The showers made city traffic system partially dysfunctional that mounted the sufferings of commuters particularly the people who were returning from offices, school students and their guardians and low-income group people. But the city dwellers relieved from scorching heat for the last few days following the sudden downpour.
Meanwhile the newly elected city mayor AJM Nasiruddin witnessed the situation of the city after heavy showers and realize the sufferings of the city dwellers due to waterlogging . A reliable sourcs said city mayor asked the CCC Engineers about the devastating waterlogging in the city following the rains of 3-4 hours. Waterlogging is the great challenge of the new Mayor as earlier Mayors were blamed for this waterlogging scenario.