39º celsius recorded in Rajshahi: Heat wave will continue


Tareen Rahman :
A blistering heat wave continues in different parts of the country, with temperature reaching 37 degree Celsius at day time. Ahead of the seasonal monsoon rains, millions are now looking for ways to cool off.
Rain or thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty or squally wind is likely to occur at one or two places over Rangpur, Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet divisions, and weather may remain mainly dry with temporary partly cloudy sky elsewhere over the country, revealed a forecast of the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD).
 BMD report shows that mild to moderate heat wave is sweeping over Rajshahi and Khulna divisions and
 the regions of Dhaka, Tangail, Faridpur, Madaripur, Comilla, Chandpur, Maijdee Court, Barisal and Patuakhali and it may continue. Day and night temperature may remain nearly unchanged.
The highest temperature was recorded yesterday in Rajshahi with 39 degree Celsius. In the capital, afternoon temperature reaches 37 degree Celsius. Weather forecast shows that the existing heat wave will continue for the next couple of days.
A photo taken by the BMT shows that a mild depression prevails over West Bengal and surrounding areas. This depression is covering the northern zone of the Bay of Bengal as well and a south -eastern tropical wind is blowing which is extended as far as Regnum border.
Diarrhoea , heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and dehydration are some serious medical problems faced by civilians in these uneasy weather conditions. Knowing how to diagnose and treat a patient is important. More importantly, people should know how to avoid these life threatening conditions.
Drinking plenty of water and avoiding exertion in the heat of the day is mandatory to avoid heat wave related health issues. Doctors have suggested drinking plenty of water before leaving residence. Oral Rehydration Saline (ORS) have been suggested by some doctors to replace electrolytes, which are essential to processing the water a person drinks.
Rest in the shade during the day to reduce water needs has been suggested as well . Travelling should be done during the morning and evening, or at night, when the air is cooler.
Several medicines that should be avoided as they can deteriorate heat related health problems are, antidepressants, antihistamines, thyroid hormones . Taking such medicines may increase chances for heat stroke.
Some danger signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke are : excessive sweating or no sweating, Confusion or disorientation, Dizziness or headache, Dark coloured urine or no urine.
To cool a heat victim they should be taken in to the shade, water should be poured over their head (but don’t completely immerse them in water) and the victim should be fanned.
