Heat wave to continue

It may cause diarrhoea, other diseases

Reza Mahmud :
An acute heat wave is sweeping over the country for the last several days and at present there is no sign of any rain in the next two to three days, according to Met Office.
The Dhaka Meteorological Office said in capital Dhaka the weather was the hottest on Saturday. It was 36.2 degree Celsius.
The heat wave has increased health hazards of the citizens, particularly the old and the children. The city life also paralised due to the unbearable high temperature, medical experts said.
The entire country continues to struggle with the unusual hot and dry weather as heat wave is sweeping through its different parts in the last several days, according to reports reaching here.
“The ongoing heat wave increases various health hazards for the people. It pushes many to heatstroke, which may cost lives. Beside, the heat wave causes other diseases like fever and diarrhoea. It also creates huge sweat which causes flu, cold fever and breathing difficulties,” Dr. Mokhlesuzzaman Hero, Deputy Director of BSMMU Hospital, told The New Nation on Saturday.
Dr. Hero, also a medicine specialist and human health specialist, said the number of patients has not started to increase yet, but if the heat wave continues it may exceed limits.
The children are the easy prey to this situation. The parents are worries about their children’s illness due this unbearable hot temperature. Many of the children become sick in this situation. People of different walks of life are passing their hard days due to the hot weather.
According to the Met Office, Dhaka’s normal weather is around 30 degree Celsius. But the recent heat wave which was started from next April exceeded 35 degree Celsius.
The passengers in buses to different destinations suffer most due to the hot and weather.
Shop owners in different shopping plazas said that they have lost customers in recent days due to such burning weather.

“Our sell has fallen sharply because of the unbearable temperature. The customers keep them away from shopping now. We are waiting to end of this hot weather,” said Ariful Haque, a clothing businessman in Rajdhani Super Market.
The officials from Health Department also expressed deep concern over the continued heat wave. They said though the diarrhoea patients have not increased so far, they feared more diarrhea patients if the heat wave continues.  
“There is no sign of rain in the next three to four days. So, the heat wave may continue for few more days,” said meteorologist Shahinul Islam. They advised the people not to go in sunny areas in day time. They should stay home in sunny days so far they could.
“The life is most precious then time. We should not go in sun ray in the hot weather. We should stay in home or offices in noon,” said Dr. Mokhlesuzzaman Hero. He also advised to the people to take fruits, healthy drinks and safe foods and drinks.
Experts said the heat wave also lured the people to take unsafe drinks in the city streets. But it may cause dangerous consequences.
They also advised people to take saline water after sweating due to the hot weather.
