Heat illness: Hospitals see rise in patients

Patients at Matuail Institute of Child and Mother Health in Dhaka. This photo was taken on Monday. NN photo
Patients at Matuail Institute of Child and Mother Health in Dhaka. This photo was taken on Monday. NN photo

Syed Shemul Parvez :
In the intense heat, hundreds of patients have been rushing to various hospitals of the capital daily. Most of them are suffering from cold fever, vomiting, stomach problems as well as Diarrhea.
It was seen on the spot that a large number of patients were present in city’s Shishu hospital.
According to doctors, they are getting more patients with sore throat, vomiting and fever due to sweating.
It is learned that about five hundred patients are admitted to Bangladesh Shishu Hospital in Agargaon every day. However, for the last three days, 750 to 760 people have come to take care of out-patients and in-patients. Most of them are suffering from severe heat illness.
Apart from this, many sick people are coming to the hospital after drinking rotten food and contaminated water.
A housewife from Savar’s Aminbazar came to the hospital with her 6-year-old minor daughter Sumaiya. She said that his daughter is sick after eating stale food in the fridge.
The doctor of the hospital said that the admission of children has also increased due to seasonal changes. Patients admitted with high fever and cold have to undergo dengue and corona test.
Doctors advise to take special care of children in summer. If a child has high fever, vomiting, diarrhea and sore throat, parents should follow the doctor’s advice without delay.
 Besides, Diarrhea patients have also increased at the International Diarrhea Research Center, Bangladesh (ICDDRB), one of the trust centers for diarrhea patients, due to severe heat in the capital.
Doctors said that due to the heat, the number of diarrhea patients has increased in the last few days; most of the patients coming to the hospital are children.
Experts say that diarrhea is a waterborne disease. This disease is caused by drinking contaminated water. Diarrhea is generally considered to be present when three or more loose stools are passed in a day. Diarrhea problems become serious when it is hot. Especially children and adolescents are more affected by this disease. In most cases, tap water in cities is contaminated by contact with septic tanks or sewage lines. Unhygienic and unhygienic living, defecation anywhere and near water sources, improper hand washing, unhygienic food storage and frequent load shedding, consumption of rotting refrigerated food in shops, restaurants or at home are considered to be one of the causes of diarrhoea.
Eleven-month-old baby Jannat is lying on a hospital bed with arms and legs spread. she is not moving as she is physically very weak. The child’s mother came to the hospital with her daughter who had been sick for seven days. Victim mother said, first the girl got fever, then diarrhea and vomiting started. I have been admitted her to the hospital on 12 July, so far the vomiting has only stopped, and the diarrhea has not improved.
In this issue, ICDDR, Clinical Fellow Dr. Sazzadul Haque said that the number of patients will increase in the upcoming days. Because whenever the summer starts, the outbreak of this disease starts to increase.
 We are trying to provide the best possible service to all patients, he said.
