Niko graft case: Hearing on Dec 2


Court Correspondent :
A Dhaka court yesterday fixed December 2 as a date for hearing the Niko graft case against BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia and others.
Dhaka’s Ninth Special Judge’s Court Judge Sheikh Hafizur Rahman passed the order on Tuesday.
The hearing was supposed to take place on Tuesday, but jail authoritiescould not produce Begum Khaleda as she has been undergoing treatment at the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU).
The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) filed the case with Tejgaon Model Police Station on December 9, 2007, on the charge of abusing power in signing a deal with Canadian company Niko for exploring and extracting gas.
The ACC on May 5, 2008, submitted the charge sheet of the case against 11 people, including the BNP Chief.
