Hurting religion: Hearing on charge framing against Latif on Dec 7


Court Correspondent :A Dhaka Court yesterday (Sunday) fixed December 7 for hearing on charge framing against former Minister Abdul Latif Siddiqui in cases filed against him for hurting religious sentiment of the Muslims.Magistrate Asaduz-zaman Nur of Dhaka’s Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) Court passed the order fixing the date on Sunday.Besides, the court directed the prison authorities to produce the former Post and Telecommunications Minister to the court on the day.Earlier, on November 26, a Dhaka Court sent Abdul Latif Siddiqui to jail when he surrendered to Dhanmondi Model Police Station of the capital on the day after two months of his comments about Hajj, Tabligh Jamaat and Prime Minister’s son Sajeeb Wazed Joy. He made the derogatory remarks on September 28 while addressing a programme in New York.
