Arson case: Hearing on charge framing against Fakhrul, others deferred


Court Correspondent :A Dhaka court yesterday (Tuesday) deferred the hearing on charge framing against 25 leaders and activists of BNP, including their Acting Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, to November 3 in a case filed for obstructing police, vandalism and arson attack. Magistrate SM Masud Zaman passed the order fixing the new date as BNP Acting Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir did not appear in the court on Tuesday.Meanwhile, it has been known that BNP Acting Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul has decided to go to USA from Singapore for his treatment. His lawyer Advocate Joynal Abedin Mesba sought time to the court due to his treatment abroad.Mohammad Asaduzzaman, Sub-Inspeactor of Kalabagan Police Station submitted the charge-sheet of the case against the 25 BNP men including Mirza Fakhrul on October 22 of last year.On December 22, 2012, the case was filed against the accused for vandalizing, torching vehicles and hindering law enforcers from performing their duties.
