Healthy habits before going to bed

Life Desk :
Healthy people know that logging Zs is a vital part of their wellness routine, so they prioritise it accordingly.Below are a few bedtime tricks you can steal from them so you can wake up well-rested and ready to tackle the day.
Body temperature is crucial in regulating sleep, according to sleep scientists. Showering at night could help aid in that process. The warm water has a powering-down effect, so to speak, helping you feel relaxed as you crawl in between the sheets as well as improve your sleep quality.
Calm your mind with a few moments of meditation. The practice has numerous health benefits, including better sleep. Try reciting a few mantras before drifting off to sleep tonight and you’ll reap the benefits tomorrow.
Having a hard time drifting off ? Write it out. Research shows writing something that’s stressing you out and physically throwing it away can help clear your mind. Not only that, journaling has numerous mind-boosting powers. Experts even recommend it as a way to help you sleep.
Dental associations recommend that you brush your teeth twice a day . If you don’t, plaque and bacteria can build up pretty fast, making your breath foul and putting your mouth health in jeopardy.
Sweat for your sleep. Not only does moving your feet help your health and attitude, research shows that exercise can help you get a better night’s rest.
Screens are a bedroom no-no. What seems like a harmless bedtime habit is actually wrecking havoc on your rest. Studies show the blue light emitted from our phones, laptops and TVs can disrupt our sleep cycles. Even a few minutes of scrolling through social media may be harmful. If you depend on your device to wake you up, try leaving your phone out of the bedroom and using a regular alarm clock instead.
Alcohol isn’t conducive to a good night’s rest. While a nightcap may make you drift off faster at first, research shows it actually disrupts your sleep throughout the course of the night. Try swapping that glass of wine for a glass of water. You’ll wake up hydrated and with a better night’s sleep under your belt.