Health benefits of Neem

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Neem tree also known as Azadirachta indica is a tree native to India. In Sanskrit, neem is arista, which means something that is perfect, imperishable and complete. Not only its leaves, but the tree’s seeds, roots and bark also contain important compounds that have many medicinal and beauty properties. The tree is supposed to denote ‘good health’ in our Ayurveda.
Ayurveda has been using extracts of neem tree as a key ingredient, for good health and well being. Here we tell you some magical properties of this tree.
One tree pharmacy
Not only in Ayurvedic medicines, neem tree extracts have been a part of many home remedies that Indians have been following since time immemorial. We use neem to treat hair and skin issues.
Anti-fungal and anti-bacterial
Neem leaves are used to treat fungal and bacterial infections. They are used to treat warts as well as chicken pox. Either the paste is applied on the affected area or the person is made to bathe in neem water. It can also treat foot fungi.
You can keep neem soaked cotton near your windows or burn neem leaves to ward off insects. It is extremely effective and is used to fight mosquito menace.
Increases immunity
Many Ayurveda experts recommend daily intake of neem capsules. Neem tea is also widely prescribed to reduce fever, especially the malaria one. Since neem tastes bitter, the tea acquires a similar taste but works magically.
Nature’s toothbrush
In traditional Indian households, people used to brush their teeth using twigs of neem. And these days you find neem-based toothpaste to ensure good dental health.
Strong and long hair
Neem also helps in strengthening hair quality and promotes growth of hair. Neem paste is also used as a hair conditioner.
Treat skin disorder
There are many formulations in Ayurveda that are used to treat skin issues. It is because it has a detoxifying property. It is used to treat sczema and other skin infections.
Neem can heal wounds without leaving any ugly scars. It also prevents septic infections.
Acne relief
Neem also has anti-inflammatory property that reduces acne. The neem oil is believed to relieve skin dryness, skin itchiness and redness. It also prevents pimples and skin blemishes.

This is not it. Neem is also used in organic farming. The popular neem seed cake, which is basically a neem seed residue which is left after oil extraction, is extremely beneficial for enriching the soil. It also brings down nitrogen loss and works as a nematicide.
You will commonly find neem used in products such as bath powders, shampoos, skin lotion, toothpaste and many companies have even started marketing neem leaf capsule for better immunity.
With the dengue menace round the corner, it also works as a brilliant source to repel insects.
