Guardians' human chain in city: Head teachers linked with coaching business!

Staff Reporter :
The guardians on Saturday alleged that the teachers of schools and colleges across the country are giving more time to private coaching than classroom teaching.
The coaching business is running in liaison between the teachers and the headmasters or principals of the educational institutions. And even, there is no instance that heads of the institutions have taken any initiative against teachers or sent any recommendation to Education Ministry to bring to an end of the coaching business, they further alleged.
The guardians came up with these remarks at a human chain held in front of the Jatiya Press Club in the city to mark the International Anti-Corruption Day yesterday.
Abdul Malek, a guardian, said, “My daughter is a Class VII student of Viqarunnisa Noon School and College. The teachers do not take the classes properly. Some teachers ask the students to go to his coaching centre if anyone couldn’t grasp in the classroom.”
 “A good number of teachers compel the students to admit themselves to their coaching centres. If any student does not admit himself there, his or her result will be poorer than the others who
attended the coaching centres,” he said. Kamrunnahar, a guardian, said, “There are many teachers at Motijheel Model School and College who inspire the students to go to the coaching centre. They just go to the classes and take a little time to the students in the classrooms. They are always busy with the coaching business.”
 “The principal of the institution knows everything, but she never took any action and even sent show cause letter to any teachers,” the guardian said.
The government officially announced a policy in 2012, aiming to stop coaching business and private tuition at their own institutions. Even, the policy defined coaching as teaching students inside or outside educational institutions before or after classes.
It prohibits teachers of government and non-government schools, colleges and madrasas from giving private tuition during school hours.
Teachers can at best teach 10 students of other institutions a day on prior permission from heads of their institutions.
Teachers can take remedial classes for weak students only at the request of guardians and the institutional heads will arrange classes, according to the policy.
The policy also stated that no teacher would be allowed to have direct or indirect involvement with commercial operation of any coaching centre.
But the teachers of the schools and colleges in the city or elsewhere across the country do not follow it.
Many teachers of renowned high schools in the capital are involved with coaching business, violating government rules, sources said.
A guardian of the Rajuk Uttara Model School and College said many teachers make students get admitted to coaching centres of their jurisdiction and those who do not enroll there even harassed in many ways. But the students belonging to poorer section cannot afford coaching classes for their children.
The guardians alleged that the teachers inspired the students to admit in the coaching centres for better result. That is why, the students become interested to go to the coaching centres. As a result, the coaching business has become a system of quasi-parallel schooling to diminish the importance and values of the institution-based education.
They also blamed the Education Ministry for not taking stern action to stop the coaching business all over the country.