Commentary: He who can`t see a lie as a lie speaks truth always

Editorial Desk :
The Law Minister Mr. Anisul Huq is of the view that those who think he lied over the ill-health of the Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha are idiots. He claimed repeatedly that Justice Sinha’s ill-health needs treatment abroad. But Mr Justice Sinha denied his statement, though without mentioning name of the minister and said he was fully fit.
Mr Law Minister is right that everybody has some illness and he is also no exception. He should have explained the truth. By calling others idiots who understand by ill-health a serious incapacity, he had created a language problem. He who cannot see a lie as a lie should not have any difficulty in claiming that he always speaks the truth.
The Law Minister Mr. Anisul Huq is a nice man but he is bearing too much responsibility.
Supreme Court administration yesterday quoting a press release issued by the Registrar General Office and reportedly ordered by Acting Chief Justice Abdul Wahhab Miah notified some major changes in senior administrative posts. After the recent activities of the Registrar, it made clear that he was acting under pressure and not expressing the true position.
The proposal for transfer of 10 high officials of the Supreme Court Registrar’s Office including Registrar General Syed Aminul Islam, Additional Registrar of the High Court Division Md Sabbir Faiz and the Chief Justice’s Personal Secretary Mohammad Anisur Rahman is a big reshuffle intended to establish the authority of the judges as against unholy political pressure. The Law Minister Mr. Anisul
Huq is still anxious to prove that the administration of the judiciary is under his control.
The Law Minister has lost his credibility and personality by telling lies about the health of the Chief Justice again and again. He enjoyed the forced confinement of Chief Justice Sinha. One day he will have to explain what he and others of the government wanted to secure from the Chief Justice of Bangladesh and the protector of the Constitution. Justice Sinha only said he was embarrassed by the situation.
Let our Law Minister imaging himself in this position in any other democratic country telling lies about the health of the Chief Justice for justifying confinement and everything else known and unknown. He would have lost his job.
The Law Minister should have defended the Chief Justice in his effort to save the judiciary being himself a practicing lawyer.
The news about the whole episode during the confinement of the Chief Justice after his foreign visit, including the role of the President is too shameful for a nation as educated as we are.
Why Chief Justice Sinha was sent on a foreign visit makes no sense. The Chief Justice said at the airport that he would return. Justice Sinha will retire in January and so it was not necessary to be unceremonious with Justice Sinha. The judgement that went against the government cannot be changed unless the judiciary is to be destroyed altogether.