HC upholds govt decision of cancelling deal with GK Shamim’s company

Staff Reporter :
The High Court on Monday upheld a government decision that cancelled an agreement with the company of Golam Kibria Shamim alias GK Shamim, for constructing a 20-storey building at Azimpur Government Colony in Dhaka.
The court rejected a writ petition filed by Shamim, an influential contractor of the Public Works Department and an expelled Jubo League leader who is now in jail, challenging the legality of the government decision.
The High Court Bench of Justice Tariq ul Hakim and Justice S M Kuddus Zaman passed the order considering that the petition was not placed properly.
Government decision of cancelling the agreement with the company of GK Shamim will remain in force following the High Court order, said Additional Attorney General Murad Reza who took part in the hearing on behalf of the State.
The government on February 16 this year cancelled the agreement with GKB & Compnay owned by GK Shamim for constructing two 20-storey buildings at Azimpur colony as the works of the project were not finished in due time and the Department of Public Works on 24 June floated a new tender for the work.
GK Shamim, an expelled Jubo League leader who is now in jail, filed the writ petition through his lawyers on August 13 challenging the government decision of cancelling the agreement and the court heard the case on Monday.
Barrister Moudud Ahmed and Barrister Abdullah Al Mahmud appeared for the writ petitioner, while Additional Attorney General Murad Reza and Deputy Attorney General Amit Das Gupta represented the state during virtual hearing on the petition.
Barrister Abdullah Al Mahmud told the reporters that the government cancelled the agreement and floated new tender without issuing any notice to the GKB & Compnay. So, we filed the writ petition, added the lawyer.
On September 20, last year, a team of RAB arrested Shamim in connection with extortion and tender manipulation.
Law enforcers filed three cases against him on the following day— two cases were lodged under Narcotic Control and Money Laundering acts while another one was filed on charge of creating panic among people by brandishing firearms with the Gulshan Police Station. Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on October 21 last year filed another case against him.