HC rule questioning legality of 34th BCS final result


The High Court has questioned the legality of the final result of the 34th BCS examinations. It issued a rule on Monday after hearing a petition filed by two candidates who failed to clear the viva.
The petitioners’ lawyer Nur Us Sadik told bdnews24.com the court also wanted to know why the viva would not be taken again. He said the Public Service Commission chairman, members, exam controller and secretary, and the secretaries to the education, public administration, finance and law ministries were asked to respond to the rule within four weeks. The PSC published the final result of the 34th BCS test on Aug 29 recommending appointment to 2,159 cadre posts. Seventeen more were added to the list later on.
Two of the candidates lodged the petition last week challenging the legality of the result. They alleged it was published without following the proper protocol.
