HC orders DU to reinstate Sociology Professor Shahadat


Court Correspondent :
The High Court Division of the Supreme Court yesterday declared termination of Dhaka University’s Sociology Department Professor Shahadat Hossain illegal. The court also asked Dhaka University (DU) authorities to reinstate the teacher in his post. The High Court bench of Justice Tarique Ul Hakim and Justice M Farooque passed the order after hearing on a writ petition, filed by Dr Shahadat Hossain. The university terminated him on charges of sexually harassing female students.
His counsel Tahsina Tasneem said, now there is no bar for Professor Shahadat to return to his post. On March 6, Dhaka University authorities decided to sack Shahadat Hossain on the charge.
But, he filed the writ petition with the High Court challenging the decision and the court issued the rule on June 7 after primary hearing.  
Earlier on July 21, last year, the teacher was sent on forced leave based on the allegations of sexual harassment brought against him by two girl students.
