Hazard called ‘lazy’ by John Obi Mikel


Eden Hazard has been brandished the “laziest player I have played with” by former Chelsea team-mate John Obi Mikel, while also insisting Hazard remained an “incredible talent”.
Obi Mikel, now playing in Turkey, spent 11 seasons at Chelsea, five of them alongside Hazard, but was far from complimentary of the Real Madrid forward’s work ethic, while insisting Chelsea boss Frank Lampard was the hardest working.
Hazard’s start to life in Spain has not gone to plan, with injuries hampering his progress. Former Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has questioned the fitness work Hazard has put in earlier this month, with former team-mate Mikel the latest to question Hazard’s methods.
“The laziest player I have played alongside is Eden Hazard,” Mikel told beIN Sports in Turkey.
“Hazard has an incredible talent, maybe not as good as [Lionel] Messi, but he can do whatever he wants with the ball at his feet.
