Hawkers run Sylhet footpaths again

Sylhet Correspondent :
Makeshift shops put up by hawkers along footpaths and large sections of the roads in different areas of Sylhet, have compelled pedestrians to jaywalk and often face accidents.
The situation has arisen due to the negligence of the city corporation and indifference of the Sylhet Metropolitan Police over the issue.
Earlier, hawkers only set up makeshift shops before Eid and Puja, but now they keep a good portion of footpaths as well as roads in their grips round the year.
Many residents of the city said only a few years back, a traffic jam was rarely seen on roads, but now it has become common phenomenon.
The worst scenario prevails along two kilometers of walkway stretching from the Station road to Keannbridge areas where vehicles are stuck on road throughout the day. A similar scene is also found in front of Zila Parishad office and at Surma point, Court point, and the Zindabazar and Bandarbazar areas.
Some guardians said Students and teachers of Agrogami Girls’ High School, Durgakumar Primary School, Sylhet Womens’ College and Madan Mohon College face difficulties daily to get to these institutions as they are located in the heart of the city.
Pickpocketing is common occurrence there,
Laboni, a student of Agrogami Girls’ High School, said: ‘It is difficult for us to find a way while going to and returning from school. We are often compelled to use main road.
‘A few days back, one of my friends met with a road accident while she was walking on main road,’ she said.
She also said her school authority tried to evict hawkers, but their efforts went in vain for unknown reasons.
Riazul Islam, a banker, said: ‘We face problems when we walk along the Amborkhana road. Hawkers have grabbed half of this one-way road.’
‘Hawkers are doing business on road because of the negligence of authorities concerned, including the Sylhet City Corporation. Local political leaders especially the ruling party men are backing these hawkers so that they can run business smoothly,’ he added.
Traders are also unhappy as hawkers set up makeshift shops on footpaths ahead of any festival blocking view of the permanent shops in the neighbouring markets.
Residents demanded that the authorities clear the footpaths ensuring safe movement at zebra crossings and footbridges and underpasses so that the pedestrians can move safely.
Md Rahmat Ullah, Additional Deputy Commissioner Of the Sylhet Metropolitan Police (SMP) said: ‘We always try to keep the pavements free for pedestrians.
‘In a recent meeting with hawkers we asked them to keep the footpaths free.’
He also said the would be more strict in future to ensure that the footpaths are free from encroachment.
