Hawkers occupy Dakshin Surma footpaths


Sylhet Correspondent :
Vendors and hawkers are taking unauthorised possession of almost all footpaths and streets in the Sylhet city, hampering easy movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Traders and hawkers have built up permanent structures where they sell fruits, vegetables, fish, chickens, clothes, shoes and various food items.
Alleged president of Dakshin Surma Foundation Mokbul Hossain Chowdhury Even roadside restaurants and grocery shops occupy a large portion of the footpaths, he further said. Besides, the number of mobile hawkers has increased alarmingly in the city who are now seen selling their products by commissioning make-shift shops at important points in the city.
While visiting different areas including Railway Crossing, Station Road, Railgate, Babna Point, Tarminal, Kodamtoly, Lowai it was found that hawkers and vendors occupied the footpaths and opened makeshift shops, leaving no space for the movement of pedestrians.
