Hasan shot and killed my father, uncles: PW


A new prosecution witness (PW) in the trial of Syed Md Hasan Ali, submitted her deposition, accusing the fugitive accused for killing her father and two uncles during the War of Liberation.
Mina Rani Sarker, 46, who used to live with her family in village Paikura under Kendua upazila in now Netrokona district, testified as the PW-18 at the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT)-1.
“Hasan Ali and his men from Razakar Bahini apprehended us on September 27, 1971, as we were heading towards India. They took all the eight men from our boat, including my father and uncles. They made them to stand in line on a street in Belongka. Hasan then shot and killed my father Satish Chandra Ghosh and two uncles Suresh Chandra Ghosh and Jagadish Chandra Ghosh. Later his men gunned the rest down,” Mina said quoting her mother.
She said Hasan was not done with killing her loved ones, he also took the women of her family captives, snatched away all the valuables from them. They were later set free under the custody of the local union parishad chairman.
After her deposition, advocate Abdus Shukur Khan, state-appointed counsel for Hasan, cross-examined her.
The ICT-1 on November 11, 2014, indicted Hasan, alias Hachen Ali, infamously known as ‘Razakar Daroga’ for his heinous crimes committed during the War of Liberation in Tarail area of Kishoreganj.
The tribunal framed six charges of crimes against humanity against the alleged Razakar commander, including genocide, murder, abduction and torture.
The ICT-1 on September 15, 2014, through an order initiated trial against fugitive Hasan in absentia and appointed advocate Khan to represent the accused before court.
The tribunal on April 3, 2014, issued warrant to arrest Hasan, but the law enforcing agencies are yet to nab him.
