Hasan seeks quick probe into NZ terror attacks


Condemning the terrorist attacks in New Zealand, Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud on Saturday called for a speedy investigation into the incident that killed 49 people, including three Bangladeshis.
“It’s really surprising and a matter of concern that a killer killed people and on live-streaming at a social media, but police reached the spot after around 20 minutes,” he told the newsmen after attending a programme at Mohanagar Nattyo Mancha here.
Hasan, also the publicity and publication secretary of the ruling Awami League, said, “I express my deep condemn at the heinous attacks and profound sympathy to the victims and their families. I’m also praying for early recovery of the injured people.”
He said New Zealand is normally a peaceful and calm country. “It’s really surprising that the attacker published his plan in the social media before the attack. Even, he posted a status just before the killing mission. And he killed people like killing birds and live-streaming the mission.”
The minister said the attacker also attacked another mosque which is around three kilometers far from the first one.
“I think it’s not possible even in Bangladesh. You know that the team of fire service reached the spot within five minutes in Puran Dhaka fire incident. But the New Zealand police took around 20 minutes to reach the spot. I think an investigation is needed,” he added.
Hasan said Bangladesh has already showed its skill to combat militancy. If need, the New Zealand police can take the experience of Bangladesh’s law enforcers, he added.
Urging all to work with unity, the minister said, “We should form united consensus against militancy to eliminate it. Bangladesh has already achieved success to this end under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.”
The minister also expressed his gratitude to the almighty Allah as the Bangladesh national cricket team narrowly escaped the shooting at Christchurch.
“Our cricket players went to that mosque, but on their way an injured woman did not let them enter the mosque and thus the cricket players escaped,” he said.
Hasan said, “I hope that the world community would not only condemns this incident, but also take steps to eliminate militancy and terrorism forever.”
Earlier, the minister joined the Dhaka Human Rights Convention 2019. Red Crescent Society Bangladesh Chairman Hafiz Ahmed Majumder, MP, addressed the function as the key speaker with National Executive Committee Chairman Engineer Kazi Rezaul Mostafa in the chair.
