Harun-Ar-Rashid, President of Madhukhali (Faridpur) Sugar Mill workers’ Union, speaks at a rally in front of the mill gate on Wednesday demanding immediate release of workers’ arrears salaries and denouncing the government’s move to close state-owned sugar mills.

Harun-Ar-Rashid, President of Madhukhali (Faridpur) Sugar Mill workers' Union, speaks at a rally in front of the mill gate on Wednesday demanding immediate release of workers' arrears salaries and denouncing the government's move to close state-owned s
Harun-Ar-Rashid, President of Madhukhali (Faridpur) Sugar Mill workers' Union, speaks at a rally in front of the mill gate on Wednesday demanding immediate release of workers' arrears salaries and denouncing the government's move to close state-owned s

