Hartal hits hard livelihood of day labourers in Sylhet

RANGAMATI: Chittagong Hill Tracts Tribal Witers' Conference -2014 was held at Rangamati Small Nrighosti Institute Auditorioum recently. Dr Muhammad Samad, VC, University of Information Technology and Sciences (UITS) seen speaking as special guest at
RANGAMATI: Chittagong Hill Tracts Tribal Witers' Conference -2014 was held at Rangamati Small Nrighosti Institute Auditorioum recently. Dr Muhammad Samad, VC, University of Information Technology and Sciences (UITS) seen speaking as special guest at
S.A. Shofiee Sylhet :
Poor people, particularly day-labourers, have been affected most due to the two days of non-stop countrywide hartal (general strike) that ended on Monday.
Two days of shutdowns enforced by the Jamaat-e-Islami alliance not only paralysed normal life but also took a heavy toll on the livelihood of those who live from hand to mouth.
People from all walks of life suffered a lot for the shutdowns as they could not come out of their houses due to panic triggered by hartal violence.
 Day-labourers Sylhet City and District are the most affected as they were compelled to sit idle at their house during hartal instead of searching for work to earn their daily bread.
People of the district are still passing days in panic as they do not know whether the ongoing violence resulting from the political crisis will stop or not in near future.
Hartals have also pushed up the prices of essential commodities, including fish and vegetables, multiplying the sufferings of people, particularly low and fixed income groups.