Happiness Through Self Awareness

Rayhan Ahmed Topader :
Why is happiness so difficult to attain? When we do experience happiness, why is it so hard to stay happy? Part of the problem is the false belief that true sustainable happiness is a difficult and challenging emotional state that somehow has to be attained through hard work and unending effort. Nothing could be further from the truth. We already possess all the happiness that exists in the universe. We have always possessed it. So why then is experiencing happiness so difficult to achieve? The answer is simple. Achieving a true and sustainable happiness means we have to eliminate the false beliefs, illusions, and emotions that keep us from experiencing the happiness we already possess. We must also learn to live more fully in the present moment ……..the only true reality that exists. Living in the moment is a difficult skill to incorporate into our lives when our thoughts and emotions are held hostage by the unconscious primitive ego of our inner-child. When our primitive ego is in control of our lives; when we are trapped in the illusions of the past or focused on worries and concerns about the future, it is virtually impossible to keep our adult observing consciousness grounded in the reality of the present moment….the only place true happiness exists. The concepts of Primitive Ego Psychology taught in the Stonyhill Newsletter provide important insights into three simple but important spiritual practices needed to remove the unconscious barriers that undermine our efforts to be happy.
So often people say they deserve success but, what they think about themselves is often in conflict with what they want from their lives. Only your own negative thinking can hold you back. IF I asked you what inner beliefs you hold deep within your mind will you be able to answer with any accuracy? If you couldn’t, then don’t worry, this is a question that many people have difficulty knowing the real answer to. To find out what are the true inner beliefs you have stored away deep in your mind then you don’t have to look very far. In fact you only have to look as far as your external surroun dings and your life results. All this will provide you with the precise answer you’re looking for. The current life you are living is an exact reflection of your deep inner beliefs. Your thoughts, habits and actions are bi-products of your beliefs. So whatever you believe about yourself, anyone or anything then you act, think and speak accordingly. The Ingredient For Success: The essential difference that separates people who live successful and abundant lives from those who don’t is not predominantly down to being lucky, more talented or gifted, but simply because of the beliefs they hold. Industrialists’ like J.D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, and more recently Oprah Winfrey and the late IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad are some of the most inspiring examples of how beliefs and not circumstance can dictate how successful your life can become.
These kinds of people turned struggle and adversity on its head and used it as a motivator to inspire them to great feats. They developed an internal belief system that transformed ‘impossible’ into possible.
Unfortunately the majority of the people in the world tolerate things like abusive relationships, working in jobs they hate, poverty and struggle, simply due to their beliefs. Our Belief System: We all have an inner belief system that either serves us or hinders us. It either moves us closer to our goals or further away from them. With all our beliefs, whether negative or positive, they all started off as a single thought. This thought was usually a reaction to a certain event in your life or to what you were told by your parents, friends or society in general. Through repeating this thought over and over again, it was then accepted within your subconscious mind as a ‘undeniable truth’. The thing to remember with your subconscious mind is this whatever information you feed it, it accepts as ‘truth’. It does not have the capacity to reject anything and cannot determine the difference between that which is real or what is imagined. Therefore, it is vital we are aware of the thoughts we repeatedly feed our subconscious because it will ultimately determine our inner core beliefs. These beliefs then become our ‘road map’ that controls the direction and destiny of our life. Our success, happiness, health and prosperity are directly influenced by this unconscious roadmap that we have created for ourselves. The Road Map To Success: Whatever you set out to accomplish, whether it is to start your own business, become fitter and healthier.
Or master a new skill, your success is determined by one thing the subconscious beliefs that make up the road map you have created. If you are struggling through life at the moment then there a very good chance that this is down to negative inner beliefs. The problem that most people who struggle through life face is that these ingrained negative beliefs run on autopilot through the subconscious mind, meaning that they tend to go through life unconsciously recreating the same results and the same reality. They may, on a conscious level, constantly strive to improve their life and achieve better results, but if they hold contradictory beliefs on a subconscious level then more struggle will consistently play out in their lives. However, the good news is that you, me and everyone else can all change our inner beliefs relatively quickly and easily. Constantly monitoring your thoughts and challenging inner beliefs that don’t serve you are vital steps to seize control of your life and your destiny. The time has surely come for you to take more of an active role in creating a new belief system for yourself. Simply doing this will result in a whole new exciting world opening up for you. Best-selling author and leader in the field of personal development, Dr Robert Anthony, said: You can have anything you want if you give up the belief that you can’t have it. Become the master of your own destiny, by mastering the inner beliefs that control you. Your beliefs hold the key to determining whether you experience a life of success or struggle. Aligning your deep-seated beliefs with your true desires will open the path to greater success, happiness and prosperity.
Some examples of limiting beliefs are: It is hard to make money these days: You won’t afford yourself 100% dedication to making money because you will convince yourself that it isn’t worth it, as it is too difficult to make money these days. Relationships are too complicated: This is a limiting belief because if you believe relationships are too complicated, you will not seek a relationship, therefore setting yourself up to feel lonely, even though deep down you are looking for someone to share your life with. Only pioneers are successful people: If you believe this, you will probably never attempt to start something new because you may feel that this has already been done, and there isn’t a chance for you to be as successful. Through life coaching, I have done a lot of work relating to the bond between your beliefs and the results you get. The reason that beliefs are so important for us to understand, is because they are directly responsible for the results we get. Our beliefs determine how we behave in any given situation, and the way we behave makes a huge difference in the results achieved. Knowing what your beliefs are, plays a huge role in how we move through life with more ease, and how to enable yourself to reach your full potential. Awareness is the first step in change. Once you know something is not helping you, you have the ability to change it. The facts are…You absorbed most of your belief system before you turned 7 years old. Your brain was still developing, so what this meant was that you took statements as facts.
These beliefs were installed in you by the people closest to you. They were not perfect (none of us is) and although they did what they thought was best for you at the time, they were not experts. You continued developing and confirming those beliefs as your own while growing up into a teenager and then into a young adult, and you chased evidence to support these adsorbed beliefs. The family may have passed on their own set of beliefs that may not be empowering you right now. However, life coaches are trained to understand the human potential and how to make changes. Create a short-term and mid-term plan where you can integrate your new beliefs into your life, and to reinforce these through your mantras. For example, if your limiting belief is about people and you always say “I can’t trust people, they always try to hurt me”, this belief won’t serve you, if your true wish is to be more social and to trust people. So, you would have to create mantra like “Most of the people are kind and trustworthy, and they can be such towards me” and then you must put yourself out there where you can, in order to meet people, network or socialise with this new open mindset. Stay focused and keep repeating this mantra and the activity that you chose, until you feel completely free from that limiting belief. In conclusion, you can change your beliefs. The first part is to identify what beliefs are limiting your growth, happiness and achievements. Find the core beliefs within you that bring happiness, success, and abundance.
A professional life coach can guide you through the process and help you to unleash your limitless potential, so don’t give up. Because our life journey is an evolutionary spiritual journey from our unconscious primitive ego consciousness to that of an awakened and enlightened consciousness, true happiness is achieved only when we are working with the evolutionary spiritual goals of the living, evolving, conscious universe….a spiritual concept that our unconscious, self-obsorbed primitive ego is unable to grasp.
Writer and Columnist ,[email protected]