Haor flood victims to get continuous support : Minister

Staff Reporter , Kishoreganj :
Disaster Management and Relief Minister Mofazzol Hossion Chowdhury Maya M.P said that the Government will provide relief assistance to the flash flood victims in Haor areas as long as it requires. ‘No one will suffer for lack of food during Sheikh Hasina’s government as the government has adequate stocks of food grains. The Minister accompanied by local Rejowan Ahmed Tofiq MP , Secretary Shah Kamal, Director General of Disaster Management Reyadul Islam visited the flood affected areas in Itna. Mitamo and Karimganj Upazila of Kishoreganj district on Tuesday.
The Minister came up with the assurance while taking to victims at Abdul Govt High School ground in Mitamoi in Upazila. Maya urged the authorities concerned to send demand Letters immediately to the Ministry in which areas food grains are necessary to send.
Disaster Management and Relief Ministry arranged an exchange views meeting with District level official held at Kishoreganj Collectorate Conference hall on Tuesday evening.
 Minister for Disaster Management and Relief Mofazzol Hossion Chowdhury Maya MP attended as Chief Guest with Secretary Shah Kamal in the chair.  
It was addressed among others by Rejowan Ahmed Tifique MP Joint secretary Dr. Odhecudro Roy. Deputy Commissioner Md. Azimuddin Biswas, Itna Upazila Chairman Principal Kamrul Islam, Mitamoion Upazila Chairman advocate Shahidul Islam and Austagram UNO Abu Tahed Sayeed.
Secretary Shakh Kamal asked the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) to conduct a feasibility study to find out which crops are suitable to the low-laying areas during this period.
The Minister also distributed relief materials among the flood-affected people.
Relief and Disaster Management Ministry has already allocated 250 metric tonnes rice and Tk. 16 lakh in Kishoreganj district for giving the victims necessary assistance.
Meanwhile , Rejowan Ahmed Tofiq MP at a press conference yesterday at Kishoreganj Press Club demanded declaration of flood-hit areas as disaster-prone . The Ministry also allocated Tk 14 cr for the repairing of the embankments of the haor areas.