Half-day hartal protesting gas price hike Sunday

Staff Reporter :
Left Democratic Alliance (LDA) has called a countrywide half-day hartal on Sunday (July 7) protesting the gas price hike.
The leaders of the party took the decision at a meeting in the city on Monday, said a press release issued by the alliance.
Terming the government’s decision to raise the gas price illogical, Communist Party of Bangladesh’s General Secretary Shah Alam said that the hartal would be enforced from 6:00am to 2:00pm on the day.
The Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission

(BERC) has hiked the gas prices by 32.8 per cent on average for all sectors.
According to the BERC proposal, the household users will have to pay Tk 975 for double burners instead of Tk 800 and Tk 925 for single burner instead of previous Tk 750 per month.
The BERC has taken an initiative to increase gas prices for eighth times in the past 10 years.
The household consumers who have been using metre for gas use will have to pay Tk 12.60 per cubic metre. The prices of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) have been raised to Tk 43 per cubic metre. Gas price was last hiked in June 2017.
