Half-day hartal peacefully observed in port city


Chattogram Bureau :

In the upward of the price of goods, half-day strike called for the left-front political organizations in the in the port city did not affect civic life. Public transport was normal.
The common people say that although the strike, the livelihood has to come out of the house. Many people are not aware of the hartal. Everything is going out of the house. Meanwhile, if anyone is not seen in support of the strike, the law enforcers are in a warning position to avoid unwanted events. Meanwhile, the leader of the left democratic alliance was faced with police obstruction in the face of a procession from the city’s New Market area in support of the strike in the morning. Later, they made a brief assembly.
On the other hand, BCL leaders and activists took out the anti-hartal procession on the other side. Kotwali Police Station Sub-Inspector (SI) Mehdi Hasan told reporters that we did not prevent their programs. If they want to block the road by blocking the road, we have removed from the road.
