Hakaluki fishermen happy in catching Hilsha despite ban

MOULVIBAZAR: Fishermen in Hakaluki netting Hilsha fishes. This picture was taken on Tuesday.
MOULVIBAZAR: Fishermen in Hakaluki netting Hilsha fishes. This picture was taken on Tuesday.
Md. Mosabbir Ali, Kulaura (Moulvibazar) :
Asia’s largest wetlands Hakaluki’s fishermen are quite happy as they are netting Hilsha, defying the temporary ban on catching and selling the popular fish.
Fishermen catch hilsha fish more than another years when this correspondent visiting different area of Hakaluki Haor on Tuesday morning , found the fishermen selling hilsha in many areas of Hakaluki Haor ignoring the ban.
This correspondent saw using boats for fishing. Fishermen are earning a handsome amount of money, bribing the local authorities and law enforcers during the ban, alleged several fishermen.
Fishermen, however, it is quite cheerful.
According to the fishermen of Hakaluki Haor, a lot of the hilsha fish are caught with the net. Hundreds of fish caught everyday in the Haor. According to the fishermen, heights 900 grams Hilsha fishes caught in their net. Generally, 200 grams from 500 grams hilsha fish are being caught.
CNRS officer Towhidur Rahman, Haor farmers basically caught since 2004. However, the figure is being increase.
Mohammad Sultan Mahmud, Fisheries Officer of Kulaura Upazila said when flash floods can be found Hilsa fish in the Hakaluki Haor. Same way advanced flash flood gives hope in Hakaluki Haor fishermen. Other hand , Hakaluki Haor connects with Kushiara and Padma River.